Monday, March 10, 2008

That free quilt I'm working on plus one.

My nephew went and had a baby. I'm making them a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt out of old blue jeans and some strawberry fabric. It's almost 100% hand sewing. I work on it every day, but it's just not seeming to grow fast enough. The derned kid will be 25 by the time I finish it. I'm going to take some photos to show everyone the process. It's an easy quilt to make, but slllloooooowwwww.
My other nephew and his wife are expecting. I have a very old quilt that his mother made when he was a youngster. It's basically a "dead" quilt, but there are some usable, hand embroidered parts. I've decided to use that as my jumping off spot. My sister, his mother, died a few years ago, so I'm going to make a grandmother quilt for them. I'm hoping it will be as beautiful in execution as it is in my head. It will be, as all my quilts are, nontraditional and use a variety of methods for putting it together. I'm not very good at following rules when it comes to sewing. I just do what I do and hope for the best. This is another project I'll make sure to take photos of and put on the projects page.
Then, and only then, can I start working on some of the craft items I mentioned below. I'm eager to get into a couple of shows next year and sell some things. I certainly won't make a living at it, but it'll be fun to get out and meet people and share my talents, such as they are.
I think my spring and summer are filled with sewing projects alreayd. Not to mention that outfits I want to make for myself. Is there ever enough time!