Monday, June 18, 2012

Scrap stitching - sort of - Handbag out of an old book!

I saw this link on Crafting for a Green World and thought some of you might enjoy giving it a try. You use fabric and an old book to make a purse. Fun idea, huh?

Hop over to Curbly and check out the tutorial.

Feel free to share your scrap stitching ideas for stuff!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New project added - gift tags

Years ago, I worked on a site called SewingWeb. I don't think it's still with us, but that's another story for another day. I did several projects when I had the site and am sharing one with you today. It's a simple way to use fabric, Wonder Under, and some string/yarn/ribbon that you have around the house.

Use this as a jumping off point. Let your imagination take hold and use the concept for greeting cards, embellished stationery, putting a new bit of artwork on a used greeting card, business cards, name tags or any other paper/fabric fusing you can think of.

Take a peek. It's gift tags!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Another baby quilt! Brian and Joanna

Another nephew's wife is about to give birth. This time, they know it's a boy! I made a quilt for their first baby out of an old quilt from one that dad's mother had made. This time I'm doing something different. Here's a graphic representation. It will be made of 3-1/2" hexagons using Michael Miller's Krystal blue and read, as well as a beautiful hot air balloon fabric. I'll start it as soon as I get home from vacation. I can't wait to get going!