I wrote a Christmas stocking tutorial 18 years ago, and it holds up today. I share it again as it's the basis for what I'm doing now. I've learned a lot more about strip quilting and trims since then, but it's always good to have an idea of where something came from.
Christmas Stocking Tutorial. I tweak my methods often to adapt for the shape and type of materials.
It started with a stocking for my daughter's dog, Dolly. You can't tell from this photo, but it's huge! It was the prototype. I drafted a bone pattern and then a second piece that was the bone without the top rounded parts. You can make a pattern, find one online, or purchase a commercial variety. It doesn't really matter except that it's in the shape of a bone. Do a quick
Google search and you'll find plenty of patterns.
After the initial enormous stocking, I got the fever and made three more, one for my son (who has a Beagle)
I use the shorter piece of the pattern (the front) for the strip quilted part. The back pattern piece is cut out of prequilted Christmas fabric. Cut that out and set it aside. Do not sew the two pieces together until you complete your design work on the smaller piece.
Cut a piece of fabric (lining) and a piece of thin batting using the pattern for the top piece. Set the batting on the fabric with the batting face up.
Begin your strip quilting with 2" strips of fabrics of your choice. See the instructions for how to do that via the link above for the stocking tutorial. I used two dog print fabrics.
When I had finished the strip quilting, I added the candy cane ribbon between the dog print fabric.
Hem the top piece and covered the stitching with another piece of ribbon. You can finish this edge however you like. In this case, I used some of the candy cane bias tape to finish the edge.
Remember the bigger piece of fabric, the whole bone that you cut out? Now you are going to use it.
With the strip quilted piece face up, place it on what is now the back of your stocking. Pin the top to the back and take a quarter-inch seam to attach them. Trim off bits of ribbon, fabric, thread, etc., and now you have your stocking completed except for the bias binding.
I made my own bias tape. You can make yours using a method you like or purchase some double fold.
I machine stitched one side of the bias tape, turned it to the back and folded it, then hand stitched the back.
Lastly, add a hanger of your choice; I used ribbon.
Dachshund stocking using a couple of Doxie fabric squares I had. The strip quilting in this case is horizontal and only on the bottom part of the bone.
This one is for my son. I cut the top part of the bone out of Beagle fabric, added Christmas ribbon and rick-rack, added a "cuff" to the front piece (using a remnant of the candy cane ribbon), and bound the whole thing with dog paw bias tape.
What's fun is to do an
internet search for the history of Christmas stockings. They have a legend, you know. I like these two the best:
Love to Know's history of the stocking
Pet's gotta have a holiday too, right?