Christmas is a few days away and what sewing have I done? EEEEK! None. It's been a busy season, and though I did do costuming for a show, I made zero gifts, zero stockings, zero placemats this year. Unbelievable. This will never do.
In the past, I've made ornaments every year, making a mini quilt and stuffing it or piecing pretty fabrics together and hanging them on the tree. I'd say this is the first year in eons that I've not made anything for the tree. And why is this?
Time management. I am still working on Alyson's quilt made of her grandparents clothes and am planning all the time to work on projects that I want to start. I'm hand sewing a cathedral window quilt (the black and white with denim one). Both were hoped to be done by Christmas, but they're not.
I want to sew every day. I tend to sew once a week or so. For 2007, I think I'll work on that goal. The only way to get sewing done is to do it. It's got to be a priority or it won't be touched. I tend to set it aside for other tasks and make it a secondary item, but it's not. It should be closer to the top of the list of things to do.
Sewing plans for 2007:
Finish Alyson's quilt(commissioned).
Finish the Cathedral Window.
Make a few scrubs for sale.
Make some clothes for myself.
Work on doll clothes and doll quilts for
Make a few Christmas items for sale and to keep.
Try to sew every day.
I don't have "I love sewing" for my license plate for nothing :)
02/27/11 update: Donation Dolls is no longer with us, but I have finished the Alyson quilt, finished the Cathedral Window and started others, never made the scrubs, and the other items are ongoing. It's fun to look back and see what I was doing at an earlier time!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Jack, the hearty laughing sailor (Sleuth costuming)
Jack's done! I put shoes on him last night, stapling them onto his legs. Hey, you do what you can do, right? They're my daughter's old Busch Gardens work tennies. They look like something a sailor might have worn. I also cut his neck off about 1-1/2 inches, so he doesn't look so giraffe-like, and during the run of rehearsal last night, his head didn't fall off, so that's also a good thing. I stapled the rest of his clothing in place to the column, the wall, and pressed his legs a little closer to the column. I think he's ready for prime time now.
I took the hem out of Sgt. Doppler's pants, but they still are way too short, so it's back to the drawing room on them. Under the lights, the "tweed" looked awful. Too polyester looking. Jim is going to try to pick up a pair of darker gray slacks and we'll reimburse him. I've provided two pair and they both sucked :)
The clown suit is primary colors. It needed some pockets, so I cut some pockets out of primary color striped fabric and stitched them on. They look like they were made just for that suit. Got that done yesterday. Also, the clown's tophat is now fixed. It has elastic to hold it on, thank goodness. That was a chore!
For the Sleuth to-do list, I have the monk's robe to make out of a bathrobe. I stole rope from the theater last night to serve as the belt for the monk's robe. The fat suit for Doppler has to be made, but I have it fleshed out in my head now, so know what I'm doing. We played with makeup last night for Doppler. I think I have a good feel for what we're doing. I picked up some gray eye shadow last night to do some creases and eye sinking with. And then there's the smoke machine. Argh. Tonight I'll play with that a bit and see if I can get it to work right. Oh, and the smoking jacket - David/Andrew Wyke found a great scarf that is like the spectral opposite of the brocade in the jacket and he's using that for his ascot. It matches like a dream.
And next - Alyson's log cabin quilt. I need to get back to that as soon as I can and finish it. I'm really into it, but had to set it aside to finish costumes for Sleuth.
Onward! Stitch, stitch, stitch.
Updated 05/19/11
I took the hem out of Sgt. Doppler's pants, but they still are way too short, so it's back to the drawing room on them. Under the lights, the "tweed" looked awful. Too polyester looking. Jim is going to try to pick up a pair of darker gray slacks and we'll reimburse him. I've provided two pair and they both sucked :)
The clown suit is primary colors. It needed some pockets, so I cut some pockets out of primary color striped fabric and stitched them on. They look like they were made just for that suit. Got that done yesterday. Also, the clown's tophat is now fixed. It has elastic to hold it on, thank goodness. That was a chore!
For the Sleuth to-do list, I have the monk's robe to make out of a bathrobe. I stole rope from the theater last night to serve as the belt for the monk's robe. The fat suit for Doppler has to be made, but I have it fleshed out in my head now, so know what I'm doing. We played with makeup last night for Doppler. I think I have a good feel for what we're doing. I picked up some gray eye shadow last night to do some creases and eye sinking with. And then there's the smoke machine. Argh. Tonight I'll play with that a bit and see if I can get it to work right. Oh, and the smoking jacket - David/Andrew Wyke found a great scarf that is like the spectral opposite of the brocade in the jacket and he's using that for his ascot. It matches like a dream.
And next - Alyson's log cabin quilt. I need to get back to that as soon as I can and finish it. I'm really into it, but had to set it aside to finish costumes for Sleuth.
Onward! Stitch, stitch, stitch.
Updated 05/19/11
smoking jacket,
Stuff I've Made,
williamsburg players
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Black and White
I didn't do any theater stuff yesterday, but I did work on my Black and White Cathedral Quilt. I should take a few pictures to show, but haven't done that yet. It's a project I've wanted to do for years and it's finally coming together. I have two of about six rows done. I'll be working on it for months on end.
Today, I won't have much time to sew. Work, post office, theater are going to take my time. I'll work on Alyson's quilt a bit tomorrow. I'll take in progress pictures of that to post. This is the second of who knows how many I'm making for her. It's the Log Cabin Oops I spoke of below. It's gorgeous, though, in an ugly fabric kind of way. You have to be creative with the colors of fabrics she gave me - all her grandparents' old clothes.
The photo is a quilt that I made for her. Closeup pictures of that one can be seen on in the photo section. I did that one with quilt-as-you-go technique. The Log Cabin will be pieced and then tied. I'm not sure where I'll go with the third one I make for her. I might do simple triangles, or something else altogether. Most of the fabrics are super stretchy, so they do better on the muslin backing.
(Note: TeeShirtMemories is no longer with us and the photo mentioned has "disappeared" for now. 05/19/11.)
Theater-wise, I have a monk robe to make out of an old brown bathrobe and need to put the elastic on a top hat for the clown to wear. It's happening, though :)
Today, I won't have much time to sew. Work, post office, theater are going to take my time. I'll work on Alyson's quilt a bit tomorrow. I'll take in progress pictures of that to post. This is the second of who knows how many I'm making for her. It's the Log Cabin Oops I spoke of below. It's gorgeous, though, in an ugly fabric kind of way. You have to be creative with the colors of fabrics she gave me - all her grandparents' old clothes.
The photo is a quilt that I made for her. Closeup pictures of that one can be seen on in the photo section. I did that one with quilt-as-you-go technique. The Log Cabin will be pieced and then tied. I'm not sure where I'll go with the third one I make for her. I might do simple triangles, or something else altogether. Most of the fabrics are super stretchy, so they do better on the muslin backing.
(Note: TeeShirtMemories is no longer with us and the photo mentioned has "disappeared" for now. 05/19/11.)
Theater-wise, I have a monk robe to make out of an old brown bathrobe and need to put the elastic on a top hat for the clown to wear. It's happening, though :)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Log cabin oops
I'm working on a lap sized log cabin quilt for one of my quilt customers. It's five rows by five rows, each row with five blocks. I had done two rows before I started last night to finish the other three rows (15 squares). I have one block on my board next to the sewing machine to make sure I get placement of colored strips right. I got to the next to last color and realized, ooooops!, I had put all 15 of these together wrong. So, I put on my "what the heck do I do now?" hat and decided the three rows in the center would be the oddball rows and the two rows (one on top and one on the bottom) left over would be the "correct" rows. No way in hades I'm taking three rows apart or doing them over. Well, we'll look at it like this - the best weavers and quilt makers in the world carry on a tradition believed to have begun with the American Native Indians - leave an intentional mistake somewhere in your work so that it reminds you of your humble and not perfect-ness. So that's what I'll do. This is my intentional mistake. :)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sewing for Sleuth

The character Andrew Wyke will be wearing this jacket in the first act.
With the costuming comes making or gathering some disguises for the other characters, Milo and Inspector Doppler. I'll post pictures of those later, but suffice it to say, it's been fun. We're reusing a KKK costume I made for "The Foreigner" last year. Most of these costumes for disguise were premade, but I had to remake a few items to turn a robe into a monk's robe, and on and on. It's been fun.
I've also made a puppet of sorts - Jack Tar, a sailor who laughs a lot. I'll be working him from backstage. Here's a quick picture.

The smoking jacket is brocade that I picked up on eBay and the pattern was a robe pattern. The black fabric is a tablecloth that I found in one of the dressing rooms. Jack is wearing an old turtle neck of mine, his body is a child's clothing form, the shoulders are made from a pool toy (noodle) as are the legs and arms. It's all held together with postage tape, clothes hangers, and tie wraps, and a lot of "please stay together!" He's wearing a wig under the sailor cap, and you can see where I painted his styrofoam face before he was dressed. His hands are gloves that are stuffed with polyfil and his shoes are socks stuffed with poly. The pants are a pair of my daughter's old pants from The Gap and the shirt over the turtle neck is a genuine sailor shirt.
There's more to do for this show, but this is the start!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
~I am obsessed~
I'm working on a black and white Cathedral Window quilt. The foundations are black and white fabrics and the windows are denim (junk jean fabrics). I want to make it full sized at least, and maybe queen. I work on it darned near every day. I've done all of the machine work, so it's down to hand work and I can do that while I hang out with the family, watch TV, travel, or whenever.
But! I am terribly obsessed with black and white fabrics! I can't seem to buy enough varieties. I go to eBay and cruise the black and white fabrics, I go to Hancock in town and cruise the black and white fabrics, I ask on our message boards and on my other sewing email lists, and I've done trades. I dug down into my fabric stash and even checked the closets for any recyclable black and white cottons or cotton blends. All I need is a 10" square, right? It's gotten to where I must have more.... must have more.... must have more.
People think I'm nuts and I must say, they could be right.
It's actually fun, though, to have a "purpose" in a project. To go to a yard sale and see white on black or black on white fabric is like discovering a gold mine for me these days. I'm easily amused.
I'm not quite so affected when it comes to the blue jeans. I've been saving and dissecting them for years. I have two containers full of denim in various states of repair and shades of blue. I use that for a bunch o'stuff, including taking a long leg and tying three knots in it and producing a pull toy worthy of my German Shepherd, Lindsey. (She is also my sewing companion, by the way, resting her head on my leg while I sew or taking a nap on the floor behind my sewing chair while I'm at the machine.) Well, maybe I am a bit obsessed about junk denim. I also feel as though I've hit the motherlode at a yard sale if I see jeans for 25 cents!
Don't even ask about my thread. I must have a million spools and every one will get used eventually. Let's see, I have the thread rack in the living room on the wall that I rotate spools on to match the seasons, I have the container on top of the bookshelf in the sewing room filled with thread spools and cones, I have the drawer of the serger desk filled with thread spools, and oh yeah, the basket on the wall next to the sewing machine is filled with threads. Can you have enough thread?
I did weed out my patterns. Now I only have four boxes full.
And there is my obsession confession. I suspect I'm not alone.
But! I am terribly obsessed with black and white fabrics! I can't seem to buy enough varieties. I go to eBay and cruise the black and white fabrics, I go to Hancock in town and cruise the black and white fabrics, I ask on our message boards and on my other sewing email lists, and I've done trades. I dug down into my fabric stash and even checked the closets for any recyclable black and white cottons or cotton blends. All I need is a 10" square, right? It's gotten to where I must have more.... must have more.... must have more.
People think I'm nuts and I must say, they could be right.
It's actually fun, though, to have a "purpose" in a project. To go to a yard sale and see white on black or black on white fabric is like discovering a gold mine for me these days. I'm easily amused.
I'm not quite so affected when it comes to the blue jeans. I've been saving and dissecting them for years. I have two containers full of denim in various states of repair and shades of blue. I use that for a bunch o'stuff, including taking a long leg and tying three knots in it and producing a pull toy worthy of my German Shepherd, Lindsey. (She is also my sewing companion, by the way, resting her head on my leg while I sew or taking a nap on the floor behind my sewing chair while I'm at the machine.) Well, maybe I am a bit obsessed about junk denim. I also feel as though I've hit the motherlode at a yard sale if I see jeans for 25 cents!
Don't even ask about my thread. I must have a million spools and every one will get used eventually. Let's see, I have the thread rack in the living room on the wall that I rotate spools on to match the seasons, I have the container on top of the bookshelf in the sewing room filled with thread spools and cones, I have the drawer of the serger desk filled with thread spools, and oh yeah, the basket on the wall next to the sewing machine is filled with threads. Can you have enough thread?
I did weed out my patterns. Now I only have four boxes full.
And there is my obsession confession. I suspect I'm not alone.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
School sewing!
How many of us remember sewing clothing for our kids when they were little? I have to raise my hand way up high for that. Years ago, boys were wearing "jams," those awfuly long shorts made out of the gaudiest fabrics available. I must have made 20 pair for each of my sons. My sons also preferred button down shirts, so I made them too. Easy stuff to do once you make a bazillion. My daughter, on the other hand, liked vests and artsy clothes; no dresses, please! I got to use my creativity and small amounts of fabric and time to put together outfits for all of them that they were just fine with wearing. I have fond memories of that first day of school, standing at the bus stop in front of the house with smiles on their faces. Later, though, they didn't want stuff that I made so much. But to this day, I still hear "Mom, can you sew this?" or "Mom, can you make this out of that?" or many variations of the same. As adults, I've made anime costumes, turned long pants into shorts, turned long sleeved shirts into short sleeved ones, made quilts and curtains, and a few pillows along the way. Some of it has been for college, some for moving into new apartments, some just because. In a way, I'll always be doing school sewing, eh?
Here's wishing you some fond memories in the making with your sewing machine and the first days of school again on the horizon.
Here's wishing you some fond memories in the making with your sewing machine and the first days of school again on the horizon.
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
New machine! And a bit of withdrawal.
First the withdrawal. My trusty Bernina is in the shop for its usual checkup and, gasp!, the feed dogs are not working as well as they should. Keep my 20-year-old machine in your thoughts. Make sure it is in the good thoughts column of your brain. I really want that machine. I bought it back in the 80s and started a business sewing and adapting clothing for people who needed special assistance - Handicapable Clothing it was. I made a few caps for premature infants, sewed Velcro where there were buttons that were hard to fasten, and took the back seams out of skirts for women in wheelchairs. I'd still love to do that type of sewing, but there are many more of me out there these days and the internet makes it much easier to find someone to make adaptive clothing. When I bought the machine, I spent way too much money, but justified it because of the business and the fact that it came with a 3-thread serger, a really new thing at the time. I also got classes to learn how to use both machines. It was great and I've loved the machine ever since. I recently replaced the 3-thread Bernette with a 4-thread Bernina serger I picked up on eBay. I neeeeeed my machines!
In the interim, I've been searching for a Janome 4000 MC to make buttonholes with. I've been doing a lot of research on buttonholes, and posted about it earlier. There seems to be a love of this particular machine for its buttonhole function. Again, I kept my eye on eBay and finally found one that was a good price and in good condition. While my baby has been at the shop, I've been learning to use the Janome. It's not hard, but I'm an old dog and learning new tricks is rather interesting. This thing will write the alphabet if I figure out how! I haven't tried the buttonholes yet; I did get the tension the way I want it though. That took me a while and a half. I've made a doll outfit and played with stitches on scraps so far. I think it and I will be good friends.
It's amazing how we become attached to certain sewing machines and our sewing "stuff." I use a certain seam ripper, certain scissors, certain types of pins, a certain type of rotary cutter, and of course have preferences for certain types of patterns. I hate to sew knits, I won't sew a fly ever again, and I shy away from zippers. After 35+ years, I guess I just know what I like. But right now, I'm going through withdrawal. I want my machine back - whine, whine, whine! The good news is, it will be in better shape when I get it back than when I took it to the shop. My friend and I have a lot more years together. A lot more years.
Here's to all of our machines and sewing stuff. Long may they survive.
In the interim, I've been searching for a Janome 4000 MC to make buttonholes with. I've been doing a lot of research on buttonholes, and posted about it earlier. There seems to be a love of this particular machine for its buttonhole function. Again, I kept my eye on eBay and finally found one that was a good price and in good condition. While my baby has been at the shop, I've been learning to use the Janome. It's not hard, but I'm an old dog and learning new tricks is rather interesting. This thing will write the alphabet if I figure out how! I haven't tried the buttonholes yet; I did get the tension the way I want it though. That took me a while and a half. I've made a doll outfit and played with stitches on scraps so far. I think it and I will be good friends.
It's amazing how we become attached to certain sewing machines and our sewing "stuff." I use a certain seam ripper, certain scissors, certain types of pins, a certain type of rotary cutter, and of course have preferences for certain types of patterns. I hate to sew knits, I won't sew a fly ever again, and I shy away from zippers. After 35+ years, I guess I just know what I like. But right now, I'm going through withdrawal. I want my machine back - whine, whine, whine! The good news is, it will be in better shape when I get it back than when I took it to the shop. My friend and I have a lot more years together. A lot more years.
Here's to all of our machines and sewing stuff. Long may they survive.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Scissor Tales
Memories of scissors: Growing up, you best not use mom's sewing scissors for cutting paper. There was no worse infraction of the rules than that. Even if you snuck them for one little wrapping job, she knew. It was like there was a secret scissor-watching gremlin keeping track of their every cutting task! How did she know? I'm not so sure how she knew, but now I'm the one who knows. My kids, now grown, know that you best not use mom's scissors with the black handles for cutting anyting other than fabric. And if you value your future, you're better off not using them at all. Those are my scissors. In a world of sharing just about everything, scissors are sacred. They are in my sewing area and that's that. Leave them right where they are or I'll hunt you down, wake you up, whatever it takes to get you to confess to having pilfered them. Lesson learned: Don't mess with mama's scissors.
Missing: Woe be to the people in the room when I discover my scissors are not where I left them. A hunt will ensue and all within hearing distance will be recruited. First will come the "Where did I leave them?" moment. Then, most likely, Who took them?" will come next. The search will go on, looking over, under, in, and out of furniture. And if they're not found, the "pouting" phase will begin. Lesson learned: Don't mess with mama's scissors.
Scissor vacation: My husband recently had the wonderful notion of taking my scissors to be sharpened. He had called me from work and said that the hardware store near his job said they could do them and have them back the next day. Really a nice thing for him to do! That night, I gathered all my sewing scissors, including my small snips and a pair of pinking shears, and put them in a box. Five pair of scissors total. Entrusted to the man I love and the hardware store I didn't know. It was a risk, but it was one worth taking to have a nice sharp edge that would cut through fabric like a hot knife cutting butter. Right? Every day I asked, "Are they done with the scissors yet?" Every day he would say, "They haven't called yet." A week went by. No scissors. I couldn't cut any fabric. I was starting to get the shakes. This was getting serious. I only had one pair of snips and an old pair of pinking shears at home. Of course, my rotary cutter was in the drawer with fresh blades nearby, but it isn't the same. After a week passed, I asked him if he had called them since they didn't call him. Feeling my scissor withdrawal, he decided to stop by the hardware store. And lo and behold, they never sharpened them. I asked him to bring them home, where they'd be safe, cared for, and loved. That night, he did bring them home and though they are in the same nonsharpened state, they're ready to be used anytime I feel like it. No more jonesing over scissors. Lesson learned: Don't mess with mama's scissors.
Bottom line: All in all, the lessons are the same. Our scissors are an important part of our sewing lives. All of our tools are. We're the surgeons of fabric and design. They are our scalpels and we need them to perform our magic. The bottom line will remain the same for ages to come. And we all know what that is - Lesson learned: Don't mess with mama's scissors.
Got any scissor tales to share? Click on comments and feel free.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Learning to sew - Mother's Day
We had doilies around the house that she had made or that my grossmama had made, and I learned to make them too. My biggest project was to make a tablecloth. I planned it and worked on it for years, but never finished it. This was crochet with thread, not yarn, so it was long, tedious, and kept me occupied like nothing ever before. I gave up crochet later, but still, from time to time, crochet 2" strips of fabric.
Somewhere in there, she did cross stitching. Not the counted cross stitch of today, but printed cross stitch patterns. I did those a lot. I graduated to embroidery after seeing my older sister's work. I learned that on my own, but the roots were in the embroidery and cross stitch I did with my mom. I've never done counted cross stitching or machine embroidery.
I always come back to the fabric though. When my mom died, I got the famed button box, the box we kids would sit on the floor and rummage through, sorting, remembering what garment they came off of or were put onto, and in general, make a mess with. I used several of those buttons on my own daughter's clothing when she was little.
When my first son was born, I decided to tackle sewing. It was time. I learned from Simplicity patterns and from my Reader's Digest sewing book. I made overalls and graduated to shirts with front buttons and collars. I made a few things for myself and learned about binding armholes from a friend. My younger sister got pregnant, and I threw myself into making several maternity tops for her, some with zippers. I made my son a pair of slacks with a fly closure (never again). I learned how to mend knees and legs of jeans from my mother-in-law. I took a short sewing seminar from Clotilde locally. I started getting Work Basket magazine. I tried cutwork, patchwork, strip piecing, playing with color and texture, and then decided it was time to make a quilt. I made a quilt for my older son using graph paper to draft a design out of squares and triangles that looked like a firetruck. I used only old, recycled fabrics, a blanket for the batting, and some leftover home dec fabric for the back. It's 27 years old and still with us, though in dire need of mending.
Long story short, my sewing roots go back to my mother. I watched her do it and I wanted to do it too. I don't have specific memories of her "teaching" me how to sew, but it had to have been her, whether by true osmosis or not. One of my sisters kids that I have the sewing gene and she doesn't. This could be true. I've been chasing the perfect needle, thread, and fabric ever since. I truly do love to sew and think that part of the reason I do is that it invokes a memory of my mother that I want to hold onto forever.
And a happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there, alive or in memory. And may all your stitches be even and fulfilling.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
My baby grew up and flew away...
Ah, breaking up with a project is hard to do. Do you find that to be true? I make tee shirt quilts and sometimes other items for folks on commission or just for fun. I've been working on a tee shirt quilt since February and yesterday, it took off for Texas, to its new home. The process is a long one, from birth to flight, but worth every minute. I start with plain muslin, tee shirts, and an accent fabric to tie it all together, and lots of thread and batting. I make them all in a quilt-as-you go manner. I've never mastered the art of traditional quilting with a frame, so this makes it easier for me to complete a project rather than making a quilt top and going "What now?"
The birth of a project, be it tee shirt quilt or item of clothing takes place in my mind - with an idea. My newest ideas involve making clothing for little girls. I loved sewing for my daughter. I've been picking up patterns from days gone by and using fabrics I have on hand to make outfits. I finished an outfit today that I'm not 100% happy with, but I need to look at it a while and decide what I'm going to do with it. It's made from a feedsack fabric quilt top in odd colors. The quilt was hand sewn, so I reinforced all the seams with zig-zag stitching, then fully lined the skirt and vest with a blend. Both the vest and the skirt have pom-pom trim on them to keep with the retro look. I also made a small "purse" to go with the outfit, and for the button on the purse, I used one of the pom-poms. My plan is to make a similar outfit for an 18" doll to go with it and then sell the whole set. I haven't cut out the doll outfit yet. That's for tomorrow or the next day or the next day.
Regardless of what project I undertake, I know that some day it will be done. Whether I keep it or it goes elsewhere, there's always that odd feeling of complete. It's done. What do I do now? What should I do next? What idea is bouncing around up there in the brain that needs to be unleashed on my stash and Berninas? I'm sure one of them will come bouncing out of my head soon. In fact, I'm meeting with someone Friday who wants a memory quilt made out of her grandparents' clothing. I'm thinking Dresden Plate, but then..... who knows!
The birth of a project, be it tee shirt quilt or item of clothing takes place in my mind - with an idea. My newest ideas involve making clothing for little girls. I loved sewing for my daughter. I've been picking up patterns from days gone by and using fabrics I have on hand to make outfits. I finished an outfit today that I'm not 100% happy with, but I need to look at it a while and decide what I'm going to do with it. It's made from a feedsack fabric quilt top in odd colors. The quilt was hand sewn, so I reinforced all the seams with zig-zag stitching, then fully lined the skirt and vest with a blend. Both the vest and the skirt have pom-pom trim on them to keep with the retro look. I also made a small "purse" to go with the outfit, and for the button on the purse, I used one of the pom-poms. My plan is to make a similar outfit for an 18" doll to go with it and then sell the whole set. I haven't cut out the doll outfit yet. That's for tomorrow or the next day or the next day.
Regardless of what project I undertake, I know that some day it will be done. Whether I keep it or it goes elsewhere, there's always that odd feeling of complete. It's done. What do I do now? What should I do next? What idea is bouncing around up there in the brain that needs to be unleashed on my stash and Berninas? I'm sure one of them will come bouncing out of my head soon. In fact, I'm meeting with someone Friday who wants a memory quilt made out of her grandparents' clothing. I'm thinking Dresden Plate, but then..... who knows!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Preemies - Our littlest population
There's been a bit of discussion on message boards about sewing for premature infants. I'm the mother of two premature infants who are now 21-year-old adults. Yep, twins. I didn't do much sewing for them when they were below 7 pounds because my time was taken up caring for them. Premature babies require close attention, transportation to a lot of appointments, lots of small feedings, monitoring, etc., etc., etc., that is in addition to that you would provide for a full term infant. Many premature infants don't make it, and there's the added grief of a baby's death. And here's where we can help.
Parents of premature infants don't have a lot of time to do anything other than take care of their children. Organizations that provide clothing for the little ones abound on the web. Do a quick Google search for "patterns for premature babies" or "sewing for preemies" or any permutation of the phrase. There are free patterns on the web for tee shirts, sleeping gowns, blankets that fold and swathe a baby, as well as clothing and burial gowns. Any thing you can do for your community or for an organization line is more than appreciated by the parents who receive the items.
If you do sew for premature infants, remember to keep the fabric extra soft. Their skin is not as developed as a full term infant.
The best "help" I received when my twins were infants was anything that helped save me time. Many parents, such as myself, have another child as well as their preemie. That child needs to be remembered too. Stitch up a small stuffed animal or something unique for the sibling of the preemie if you have some time. You can use scraps you already have and stuffing you have stashed away.
Sewing for preemies is relatively simple and it's definitely something we call can do.
Feel free to browse around Google's free preemie sewing listings and try out an item or two. You'll feel really good that you've done something positive for the littlest babies.
Update 11/2018: My twins are now in their 30s and doing fine.
Parents of premature infants don't have a lot of time to do anything other than take care of their children. Organizations that provide clothing for the little ones abound on the web. Do a quick Google search for "patterns for premature babies" or "sewing for preemies" or any permutation of the phrase. There are free patterns on the web for tee shirts, sleeping gowns, blankets that fold and swathe a baby, as well as clothing and burial gowns. Any thing you can do for your community or for an organization line is more than appreciated by the parents who receive the items.
If you do sew for premature infants, remember to keep the fabric extra soft. Their skin is not as developed as a full term infant.
The best "help" I received when my twins were infants was anything that helped save me time. Many parents, such as myself, have another child as well as their preemie. That child needs to be remembered too. Stitch up a small stuffed animal or something unique for the sibling of the preemie if you have some time. You can use scraps you already have and stuffing you have stashed away.
Sewing for preemies is relatively simple and it's definitely something we call can do.
Feel free to browse around Google's free preemie sewing listings and try out an item or two. You'll feel really good that you've done something positive for the littlest babies.
Update 11/2018: My twins are now in their 30s and doing fine.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Buttonhole, buttonhole, who ' s got the buttonhole?
We're looking for the perfect buttonholer. I have an older Bernina machine. I love it. I adore it. I wouldn't be without it. But it makes icky buttonholes. My second sewing machine, one from Montgomery Wards, made excellent buttonholes with an attachment. I let a friend borrow said attachment some years ago and haven't seen it since. I've also been chasing the perfect buttonhole since then!
Alas, the ultimate buttonholer is an elusive creature. It hasn't come knocking at my door and the internet seems to only sell machines on an industrial basis, and they're huge and expensive. I'm thinking I may have to suffer through buying a second sewing machine. Could it be? Oh the horror and the torture. Okay, I said that part for my husband. He doesn't "get" why I would want more machines. I have four already! (Two sergers, neither of which are plugged in right now, the Bernina, and an older Montgomery Ward machine that I keep around in case my friend returns my buttonhole attachment.)
All kidding aside, the buttonhole is an important detail on a lot of items. I'm making a wrap skirt for a friend and it requires two buttons. I have done everything but that. I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and make so-so (or is that sew-sew?) buttonholes on the skirt with the Bernina. Unless someone sends me the perfect buttonholer today.
Rounded, bar tacked, or keyholed - the buttonhole is a treasure.
Alas, the ultimate buttonholer is an elusive creature. It hasn't come knocking at my door and the internet seems to only sell machines on an industrial basis, and they're huge and expensive. I'm thinking I may have to suffer through buying a second sewing machine. Could it be? Oh the horror and the torture. Okay, I said that part for my husband. He doesn't "get" why I would want more machines. I have four already! (Two sergers, neither of which are plugged in right now, the Bernina, and an older Montgomery Ward machine that I keep around in case my friend returns my buttonhole attachment.)
All kidding aside, the buttonhole is an important detail on a lot of items. I'm making a wrap skirt for a friend and it requires two buttons. I have done everything but that. I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and make so-so (or is that sew-sew?) buttonholes on the skirt with the Bernina. Unless someone sends me the perfect buttonholer today.
Rounded, bar tacked, or keyholed - the buttonhole is a treasure.
Saturday, April 8, 2006
Sewing for charity
I've been thinking of sewing for charity lately. We have so many talents that can be put to good use. After Katrina, every year around Christmas, and other times throughout the year, we hear about people who need our help. What we may fail to remember is that there are people every day of the year who could use an item or two that we could make as individuals or in groups. While the community manager at, I posted some links, just a few, about sewing for charity in the hope that others will follow suit. I plan on making some items for premature babies. I had two of those, yep, twins, who have grown to be strapping adults, but I do remember when they were both four pounds and below and there were very few items available for them to wear. I was too busy being mom to twins to have time to sew for them. A few things here and there for a new mom or dad could be a wonderful gift to receive, and it could also be a way for me to "give back."
Battered women's shelters. Ever think about the people there? Moms and kids. They could use blankies for the little ones or even just a nice pillowcase of their own. Some people end up in the shelters with nothing other than what they could carry when they left home. The same goes for homeless shelters. Blankets are a big need. Scarfs for a cold neck. Anything at all. I know that some sewing guilds make gift bags as a project, fill them with toiletries, and give them to faith-based charities for distribution.
There will always be someone who needs something. We have a talent. Shouldn't we share what we can do with others? Oh, and don't forget our furry friends in animal shelters. They need comfort blankies too.
Here are a few links to get you started:
Newborns In Need - Sewing for the smallest of babies, including patterns.
Project Linus - Providing security through blankets.
Ugly Quilts - Sewing for our homeless population.
Cancer caps/turbans from
Sew Much Comfort - "to provide custom-made adaptive clothing at no cost, to injured service members from all branches of the military and national guard, injured while serving in our current conflicts."
There are many more - Google "sewing for charity" or "sewing for our troops" or whatever interests you. There are many people who need our talents.
(Updated 08/08/10)
Battered women's shelters. Ever think about the people there? Moms and kids. They could use blankies for the little ones or even just a nice pillowcase of their own. Some people end up in the shelters with nothing other than what they could carry when they left home. The same goes for homeless shelters. Blankets are a big need. Scarfs for a cold neck. Anything at all. I know that some sewing guilds make gift bags as a project, fill them with toiletries, and give them to faith-based charities for distribution.
There will always be someone who needs something. We have a talent. Shouldn't we share what we can do with others? Oh, and don't forget our furry friends in animal shelters. They need comfort blankies too.
Here are a few links to get you started:
Newborns In Need - Sewing for the smallest of babies, including patterns.
Project Linus - Providing security through blankets.
Ugly Quilts - Sewing for our homeless population.
Cancer caps/turbans from
Sew Much Comfort - "to provide custom-made adaptive clothing at no cost, to injured service members from all branches of the military and national guard, injured while serving in our current conflicts."
There are many more - Google "sewing for charity" or "sewing for our troops" or whatever interests you. There are many people who need our talents.
(Updated 08/08/10)
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Sewing is everywhere.
I had the opportunity to go out this morning for a meeting that was totally not sewing related. As I began to talk to some of the folks also waiting for the meeting to begin, it turned out that the person sitting directly in front of me is running the local American Sewing Guild. Who knew? We talked for quite a while about sewing in general, body styles that suit particular clothing types, and over a short period of time, I signed myself up to go to the next ASG meeting! I had no idea we had a local guild. I'm excited. I'll be meeting people locally who share my love of sewing. They also do some charity projects that I'm interested in being involved with. And, I'll be around people who understand that I could never part with a single piece of fabric! Kinda like you and my friends on I told the woman that my license plate cays "I love Sewing" (using a heart for "love") and she got a chuckle out of that. Like I said, who knew? Sewing is indeed everywhere. Talk it up. You never know who is sitting right next to you when you're out and about.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Gotta start somewhere! Intro!
Originally posted in 2006. - Let us begin with an introduction. I'm Donna. I'm the content manager of Doug and Lisa own the site. I started sewing as a young child and re-discovered it when my children were born. I've never stopped. I like making something out of nothing, recycling old fabrics and jeans, and making things from new fabrics as well. I make clothes, quilts, doll clothes, pillows, whatever strikes my fancy. I even made a bandana baby recently just to try it. This is not just a place for my thoughts; it's also a place for yours. Bring your sewing thoughts and ideas and join me. Reminisce. Plan. "Talk" out loud. It's a sewing kind of blog.
05/31/10 - Time to update this introduction. I'm still Donna. I haven't been the content manager for for some time now. I've been through several iterations of sewing sites and have settled on none. I keep the ZenSewing blog to show projects, talk about sewing, show off what I'm doing, and kind of to keep myself "out there" in the sewosphere. I still sew almost every day and just today posted pictures of some recycled denim pillows I've made. Some of the posts need to be updated and photos added as when they were imported from various places, the content didn't make it in full, but it'll get done. Comment anytime you like. It's my sewing world and you're invited to join it.
01/16/11 - And another update. The site has evolved once more. I am transitioning site information to the blog (now the ScrapStitching and ScrapSewing blog) and keeping projects and tutorials and organized photos on itself. The goals are simple - pass along sewing knowledge, continue to show and encourage people to "sew green" (funny, I've been "green" for a lot longer than I even knew the term!), and providing free projects and information to anyone who wants it. I still maintain and it's one of the only comprehensive sewing glossaries on the web. And with that, know that I'll get photos up on the old blog entries that need them re-added, and that you'll always find something minutely interesting out here in ScrapStitching land!
05/31/10 - Time to update this introduction. I'm still Donna. I haven't been the content manager for for some time now. I've been through several iterations of sewing sites and have settled on none. I keep the ZenSewing blog to show projects, talk about sewing, show off what I'm doing, and kind of to keep myself "out there" in the sewosphere. I still sew almost every day and just today posted pictures of some recycled denim pillows I've made. Some of the posts need to be updated and photos added as when they were imported from various places, the content didn't make it in full, but it'll get done. Comment anytime you like. It's my sewing world and you're invited to join it.
01/16/11 - And another update. The site has evolved once more. I am transitioning site information to the blog (now the ScrapStitching and ScrapSewing blog) and keeping projects and tutorials and organized photos on itself. The goals are simple - pass along sewing knowledge, continue to show and encourage people to "sew green" (funny, I've been "green" for a lot longer than I even knew the term!), and providing free projects and information to anyone who wants it. I still maintain and it's one of the only comprehensive sewing glossaries on the web. And with that, know that I'll get photos up on the old blog entries that need them re-added, and that you'll always find something minutely interesting out here in ScrapStitching land!
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