Ever thrown away the seams and hems from blue jeans? I hate throwing away any part of an old pair of jeans. When I harvest the fabric, I have the zipper, waistband, and seams leftover. I give the back pockets to a friend who does projects with them, so they're not wasted. The zippers are sometimes saved and sometimes not. But those double seams! You would think there's something you could do with them. Well there is.
I was reading an article about uses for leftover denim and clicked this link -
Polka Dot Pineapple: Recycling Fun I've asked her permission to post a picture of her coaster to show you what it should look like, but in the meantime, here are a couple pictures the one I made, following the Polka Dot Pineapple blog instructions.

Mine has been machine washed. I wanted to test the fabric glue, and guess what? It was great. There is a little fray and I love it. I will definitely be making more.
I used this glue Aleen's Fabric Fusion glue pen. I got mine from Joann's, but it is sold many places online and off. The seams I used were from hems and the sides of jeans, as well as the seams from above the back pockets in the back. This particular coaster took two legs' worth of seams to make, so get to saving those seams! I love when I can find a way to reuse denim. Though this is a no-sew project, it surely is a scrap stitching project!
What a great way to start the new year!
My harvested denim scraps are now separated into three piles - fabric, back pockets, and seams. What do
YOU do with junk jeans?