I haven't posted #sewing gems lately, so thought I'd bring you some today.
I agree! Moving a sewing machine is full of muscle building movement. Maybe we should move them around just for grins!
For me, it's all about the blouse making. More on that below.
I've been working on a wearable art blouse in a block style for some time now. I've made blouses and boys/mens shirts galore over the years and never hesitated to get them done. There's something about this Kwik Sew pattern that has me stymied, though. The collar instructions are a little funky and the cuffs have me scared to proceed. I've never been this way with a pattern before! I need to get over myself and just finish the damned thing; it sits there cut and half constructed, taunting me. Maybe this is the week? Have you ever had a situation like this? Hard to believe I'm letting a lil ole pattern intimidate me!
I agree! Moving a sewing machine is full of muscle building movement. Maybe we should move them around just for grins!
I responded to this one by reminding the Twitterverse that #Sewing is my cardio.
Day Dreams Sewing had asked earlier what your favorite sewing machine was. I responded and she responded back. I mean it, too. If it dies, I'm getting another just like it!
Now, about that blouse.

On the other hand, I've finally adjusted a pattern to make myself pants that fit. It's amazing to not have the crotch hang down and the butt be baggy, and to have the rest of the pants fit right! Store-bought pants for women just don't have enough pocket space. My pants do! I adjusted the seat of the pants by taking the pattern up a bit; that way, the crotch fits front and back. I also adjusted the length ever so slightly to make up for the part I took up in the upper part of the pattern. Lastly, I took some of the width out of the legs to create a more modern style; they're not painted on, but they're also not super wide legged. Store-bought pants also sag and bag on me due to the shape of my body (long story short, abdomen!), and it's wonderful to have a pair of pants that fits. I have to nice pieces of denim to make jeans and have made a couple pair of these already. Who cares if they're all the same style? They fit like a glove.
Sew on. It's that time of year when it's cooler and the machine makes one feel warm.
In progress:
Cathedral Window quilt.
Peter Max tote bags.
Slacks galore.
Tops with pieced inserts.
Rock painting - hey wait, that's not sewing! My rock page on Pinterest.
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