I chose to have a hexagon day today. I did have a little work to do, but did not let it interfere with my sewing.
I got up, made an interesting cup of coffee with my Keurig (Mudslide from Gloria Jean, to be specific) and warmed up a frozen spinach/mushroom quiche for breakfast. I watched the tail end of Rachael Ray and decided I did not want to make her super duper whateveritwas burger for dinner, then remembered I better take something out of the freezer or there would be no dinner!

Then, it was time to work. I finished up in short order and tackled my pile of denim that needed to be dissected. I started it yesterday and finished it today. As mentioned prior, I'll need to figure out what I want to do with it, but today was not the day to decide. Because today was what? A hexagon day!

I have wanted to complete my second of 10 x 13 hexagons panel, and I did. It's hard to describe, but essentially, I sewed. I put thread in the needle and hand sewed until it was done. In between times and in order to provide a short break for my hands, I washed dishes, fiddles with my other computer, and took a trip to the post office, but after each chore, I came back to the panel. By the time it was dinner prep time, I had two panels and started to stitch those two together. After that was started, I measured it on my lap and sitting on the loveseat and decided that the width of the completed quilt top will be three panels of 10 x 13 hexagons, or 390 hexagons. Whoa! I better start cutting some more because I'll need four rows of three panels to complete the top. That means the total number of hexagons will be 1560! I will add a few more stitches before I go to bed, but there you go. I had a hexagon day and I'm happy as can be about it. Sometimes, you just need to take some time off and do something that makes you feel good about the world. And I did.