Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pandemic style

Coronavirus, COVID-19, and whatever else you want to call it - it's making people twitchy. There are so many things I do not understand about society's reaction to the virus.

I figure that you can either go all in and buy up the store and wipes or you can sit back and just let life happen. There are a bunch of middle grounds including staying home, eating in, and just not being in public for a while. One thing is for sure, no one agrees on what we should do, so society is starting to fold in on itself.

Closures to ensure social distancing and little to not contact in groups. Locally and globally, schools are closing, volunteer programs are suspended, concerts will be rescheduled, public places are delaying seasonal openings, and so much more.

Grocery hoarding is everywhere too. I went to the store today and there was no chicken:
no ground beef:
no potatoes (yes, potatoes):

no paper products (toilet paper and paper towels):
I didn't intend to go to the store and be that lady taking pictures here and there, but I was. Ramen was on mostly empty shelves. I almost understand that one. Every checkout aisle was open and there was a line at each.

Live misinformation and real facts are available all day long on the internet, television, radio, and anywhere there is a person talking. We soak it all up like so many sponges, but we're not really sure what to believe and what to let pass us by. Neil deGrasse Tyson implores us to listen to science. Much of what we hear from government leaders doesn't quite go that way and we sometimes walk away knowing less than we did before we started listening.

Conspiracies are every damned where. The best one I heard is that N. Korea sent this virus out some time ago as our "Christmas present." Others involve the left doing something magical along the way so that the right gets infected and Trump doesn't get reelected. Okay, so I simplified that, but you get it, right? And there is at least one that puts the blame squarely on Obama somehow. One delightful observation (not a conspiracy) by a certain generation is that coronavirus is the Boomer Remover, meaning we're all going to die. 

The shit has not yet hit the fan, but depending on what you listen to or watch, it just might. It also might not. This here is pretty damned unprecedented.

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